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Pochettino pours praise on ‘priceless’ Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher has three goals in his last two games, including the brace in last night’s 3-1 win at Selhurst Park, where he always seems to have a good time, and that sudden (and overdue) success on the scoresheet has once again drawn into focus his contract situation.
He now has less than 18 months left and that surely means that a decision must be made one or another regarding his future at the club.
But whereas the top brass might look at him as pure profit on the books, Pochettino sees him only pure profit on the pitch.
“He’s a player with great commitment with the team. Always trying to compensate every situation in an offensive and defensive situation and that is priceless to have a player like him. I’m so happy for him and I’m so happy for the team because it’s a victory we needed, the three points.”
Poch has made it perfectly clear, in both actions and in words, just how much he rates Gallagher and has repeatedly called on the club publicly as well to sort out a new deal. Gallagher himself has also made it clear that this is where he wants to stay.
Unfortunately, the only indication we’ve seen from the club so far is against both of those wishes. Still time to change!

“What [Conor] told me was to stay at Chelsea. But then it’s about him and the club. But I’m not suffering with this type of thing; he still has one year more on his contract. But I think that is a matter for him and the club.”
-Mauricio Pochettino; source: Football.London

I guess we’ll see have to wait and see what the summer brings.
P.S.: Here’s what former technical director advisor Petr Čech, the legend himself, said about Gallagher on Sky Sports last night.

“He’s always been working hard. He’s one of the players that’s always cared about winning and about the club.
“You find that even young players can have special abilities to be a leader. Conor is one of those players — he’s always worked hard, he’s always cared and he always tries his best. He’s a Chelsea boy, too. He’s pushing and he is one of the captains in the making, because of the way he is.”
-Petr Čech; source: Sky via BBC

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