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Report: Bayern Munich’s action plan to take back the Bundesliga

According to a report from kicker journalist Georg Holzner (as captured by @iMiaSanMia), Bayern Munich is preparing its strategy for the summer and has nailed down its approach on many subjects.
Let’s take a look at where things stand:
Right the ship...with a vengeance
Preparations for the new season are underway in the background. Bayern are determined to strike back with all their might after this disappointing season, especially in the league. Big investments are planned on the squad - in addition to sales, including prominent players. Nevertheless, the supervisory board will take great care to ensure that the money is not spent unreasonably, as in the recent past.
Reduce a hefty budget (yikes)
Bayern bosses are aware that the club has one of the highest wage bills in comparison to other European clubs, especially when it comes to the top 10 most paid players who earn around €190m per year combined. Max Eberl and Christoph Freund are tasked with reducing this number.
Give the new coach a voice with personnel decisions
The new coach will be involved in the squad planning and will be allowed to give his assessments regarding new signings as well as potential departures.
BFW Analysis
It sure sounds like there will be a lot of change this summer. While Holzner’s report did not delve into specifics, the high-level view — if true — confirms that some club mainstays could have to take a pay cut or take a hike.
Moreover, the new coach will be a part of the personnel planning, so the club would seem to be in a bit of a hurry to make a decision, so that things can really start being put in motion in advance of the summer transfer window’s opening in July. Looking for more thoughts and analysis on Bayern Munich’s Bundesliga match against Heidenheim? Check out why we think this “trap game” could pose some trouble ahead of Bayern Munich’s Champions League showdown against Arsenal FC next week. You can get the Bavarian Podcast Works — Preview Show on Spotify or below:

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