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How to listen to The Old Lady Speaks Podcast

By now, regular visitors to this website know that we have a podcast. If you don’t, first off, let’s say hello and welcome to our little corner of the internet. Secondly, please stay a little while because we would very much like if you were to become a regular visitor around here.
As much as we like there to be a discussion in each one of the posts that come along with each podcast episode, we realize that not everybody is able to listen on their desktop or through their preferred web browser. Some might listen in their car. Others might listen at the gym or while they’re getting through each work day. That is the beauty of podcasts — you can listen to them where you want to when you want to and how you want to.
I listen to them all the freakin’ time. I’ve usually got something on — like right now — while doing work for this website. I have them on my headphones at my “regular” job, when I’m doing stuff around the house and while I’m taking a walk around the neighborhood.
Some of you here may do the same in one form or another. And it just might be a case of you’re listening to some of the BWRAO crew talk about the most recent game(s) while you’ve got your headphones in. We appreciate that! But if you have yet to become a regular listener of our blog’s podcast, The Old Lady Speaks, here’s a little guide to help you out — where to listen, how to listen and what to do once you get things all set up.
If you’re an iPhone owner, then this is probably the place you go to when listening to the your podcasts. If you’re a MacBook or Mac owner, then iTunes is probably the place you go to also listen to your podcasts. Heck, maybe they’re even synced, which would mean that the Apple Company is probably your go-to technology franchise.
No matter where you listen on your Apple pieces of technology, finding the Old Lady Speaks is pretty simple. Go ahead and search “Black & White & Read All Over” and “Juventus” and we will be the top result. Once you get there and our podcast pops up, hit the subscribe button. You’ll notice that we’re one of the top-rated Juventus podcasts out there, and you will have just subscribed to it. Pat yourself on the back for making a good decision. SPOTIFY
No matter what kind of phone you have, Spotify has become one of the first go-to apps for streaming music and podcasts. Just like with Apple Podcasts, subscribing to The Old Lady Speaks is rather simple. Search “Black & White & Read All Over” and “Juventus” and we will be the top result just like it is with Apple Podcasts.
Hit “Subscribe” and you’re all set. It’s seriously that simple. GOOGLE PODCASTS
If you have an Android phone, then Google Podcasts will likely have already come installed for you. If you don’t have the latest and greatest Android phone, it’s an easy thing to go and install (click here to do so).
The rest of the equation is very simple: Search “Black & White & Read All Over,” then click on our podcast and you’ll get to the main podcast page. Hit the “Subscribe” button and you’re all good to go. No matter where you listen to The Old Lady Speaks, we as the BWRAO crew appreciate the support. If possible, please leave us a nice rating and a review and continue to ensure that this venture is worthwhile for us. As has become a recent decision of ours, new podcast episodes will come out each Monday morning in the United States. Adjust your plans accordingly.

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